Webinar with Dr. Amanda Sierra (Laboratory of Glial Cell Biology, Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience)
Title: “Not just corpse removal: how microglial phagocytosis maintains brain tissue homeostasis”
Venue: CCI – Centrum für Chronische Immundefizienz, Breisacher Str. 115, 79106 Freiburg
Time: 5:00 pm CET
Microglia play an unequivocal role in clearing the cellular debris of apoptotic newborn neurons during adult neurogenesis. The Sierra lab has highlighted, in a recent study, the involvement of phagocytosis regulating proteins (P2Y12 & merTK/AXL) in fine tuning of adult hippocampal neurogenesis. They also showed that phagocytosis changed the transcriptomic profile of microglia, leading to an altered secretome, that in turn limits the production of new neurons.
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